The children have been asking an endless list of questions about their world, such as the many different cultures and lifestyles that other children experience on a daily basis. We have been visiting a wonderful book called, “Wake Up, World! A Day in the Life of Children Around the World" ...
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Primary Classroom Discoveries
As the children work throughout the room each day, I find it a pure joy just watching how each child discovers new and exciting information through their life experiences in the classroom. These new discoveries come from all the groundwork they have already obtained and continue to develop from the ...
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How the Golden Bead Decimal System and Stamp Game Are Used in Math
The Montessori Golden Decimal Bead materials are so beautiful and yet very mysterious at first to the children. The children continuously gravitate towards them every day and want to know more about how these materials work. The children are introduced to the basic lessons and become more and more ...
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Learning Math Skills from Concrete to Abstract
Montessori students use hands-on learning materials that make abstract concepts clear and concrete. They can literally see and explore what is going on. Based on the research of Dr. Maria and Mario Montessori, this approach to teaching mathematics offers a clear and logical strategy for ...
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Our Fall Practical Life Activities
Dr. Montessori wrote, “A child’s work is to create the person he or she will become someday in the future.” As adults, we work to perfect the environments we live in, but the child’s work is to perfect himself. Our young children find something special about tasks that an adult often ...
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Our New Exciting Year
Our students have all now been phased in and are settling quite nicely into their daily routines. It is very much like a little beehive humming along.
I want to thank everyone for joining our first virtual parent night together. It was so nice to see all of you even though it was not in ...
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Welcome to an Exciting Year
I would like to welcome all of you to a new school year especially our new students and their families. I hope all of you get the chance to meet one another during our school events, especially during our up-coming September Social and Back to School Night.
For those parents who do not know me ...
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Hope you have a great Summer
Our eventful school year has gone by so fast and I wanted to thank all of my parents who volunteered this year to make it a great success. The children truly enjoyed your enthusiasm each time you came to visit and share your talent with them. A special thank you goes out to my room mothers Kris ...
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