VFKH offers Extended Care programs for all of our students. Our Early Bird program is from 8:00-8:30 am. Our after school Kinder Kammer program is from the end of classes up to 5:00 pm. Placement must be reserved through either a contract or on an occasional basis if space allows. Both our Early Bird and Kinder Kammer programs provide a continuation of the Montessori philosophy of mutual respect, independence and co-operation that the children are accustomed to in the classroom.
The Kinder Kammer programs are designed to be a warm, homelike environment. The Kinder Kammer teachers offer a variety of options as you would at home such as crafts, playing checkers, building a snowman, kicking a soccer ball, reading a story…the list goes on and on.
The children in our Extended Care programs develop social skills such as the ability to work and interact with others, the ability to solve problems and to seek help when needed. We accomplish these goals by providing both planned activities and unstructured times for the children to play, read, write or just be together. Children are free to choose the activities that interest them. A nutritious snack is provided each day.