Our students have all been settling back into a daily routine and have done so with ease. They are really coming into themselves aand their big personalities shine through everyday. We are so happy to have them back!
What Our Day to Day looks like
During the day the children move through a variety of activities which is called work. They begin their day by being greeted at the door then coming in and taking off their jackets proceeded by hanging up all their belongings. They then transition and take off their outside shoes and put on their inside shoes. This exercise helps the children learn independence by being able to take off and put on their own shoes but also to come into the classroom mindset. Once they have their inside shoes on their are invited to go choose work.

We helped the Primary students plant bulbs for that will come up in the Spring.

A favorite is painting. There is finger painting and painting with a brush the children can choose from.

Working on fine motor skills. The children take small sticks and put them in the grater shaker holes. When they are finished they must unscrew the lid to the shaker, take out the sticks, open a latched jar and put the sticks back in. Then they take put it back on the tray and take it back to the shelf.

Throughout some part of the day there are always children in the reading area. They love to explore the books and read by themselves or share with a friend.

This is handwashing as an exercise. The children have a number of steps they go through. They not only learn how to properly wash their hands, they work on their pouring skills as well. Making bubbles with the soap is a great sensory part of the activity and the children love it.
For Thanksgiving we did a few activities to prepare for the day. We talked about the day and what happens along with what it is to be thankful. We read books and sang songs. A favorite was “If you are thankful and you know it.” We also practiced using our rhythm sticks while listening to a song that we played along with the primary students. We made cranberry sauce in our class and it filled the entire room with a wonderful aroma.