It was a wonderful first week back at school! The children were very eager to work, and they had many wonderful lessons. Some of the older children gave the new-comers a lesson or two. We are already becoming a family, with 12 first- through fifth-graders and two teachers. The children have worked in many areas of the classroom, and some of their lessons included the Story of God Who Has No Hands, the Story of the Babylonians and the 360 degree circle, the Story of Our Alphabet, the fundamental needs of human beings, measuring angles, the adverb grammar box and the article grammar box, a grammar game, poetry and advanced grammar, multiplication of decimals, finding a 2-digit square root, division with the racks and tubes, operations with fractions, various reading and writing exercises, and more! This is a picture of the children sharing their work to each other at Creative Corner on Friday. It was a busy week!
~ Mrs. Nastasi