I want to thank all of the volunteer drivers for helping to transport our students to the Nature Center. Although the weather was a little damp and drippy, the children really enjoyed using their sensory tools to discover the Fall season. The children had an opportunity to walked all over the grounds and learned how to use their tools. We learned that Mable the Maple leaf needs many things to make her special sugar, and boy did the children like tasting that. We explored how a seed grows and its life cycle by coordinating story picture cards together. We placed yellow and red see through paper over our eyes to discover how bugs see the world. We felt different fabrics that match touch experiences nature can provide. Children made their ears bigger like a deer to see if they too could hear a large variety of things at one time. Something that is always a favorite is creating nature smelling tea cups, which they enjoyed passing to friends to smell. Some of the children even had the chance to visit the animals. It was a wonderful trip and I hope you too can take your own nature walks throughout the year using your senses and discover new things with your children.

About Ms. Phelen
Ms. Phelen has been a pillar of the VFKH community for over 25 years. She loves to watch the children grow in all aspects of their being, and share with them some of her talents, such as music and art appreciation.