Today is November 28th and it is 70 degrees outside! It feels like a beautiful Spring day! I’m sure this weather pattern will change shortly, but we are all enjoying the great weather.
Our Thanksgiving Feast was so much fun and everyone went home completely stuffed with all of the great food. Thanks so much to all of the parent volunteers who set up, cooked and cleaned up after our Feast. We appreciate all of you so much. We hope you enjoyed the corn muffins. Our afternoon class made them and each child unselfishly only tasted one so there would be enough for the luncheon. Our morning class enjoyed making cranberry sauce and it was quickly eaten at the feast.
I am so thankful for each one of your children who brighten each day for me. I also am thankful for all of the support and encouragement that you give me. We are blessed to be a part of such a warm and family oriented school thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Kelly.
Have a wonderful holiday season! I hope to see all of you at Kate and Steve Bouchard’s this Saturday for our Holiday party.