The after-school children in Limerick have been building up anticipation for Thanksgiving. Earlier this week each shared something they are thankful for, and I am proud to say not a single child listed toys, but rather things like food and family. They understand that next week’s Giving Baskets are going to children who do not have all the blessing they do, and are appreciative of all they have. Yesterday, I was overwhelmed by the holiday joy exuding from the children. Many were reminding me of the countdown to our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon, paired with HUGE smiles across their faces. They were eager to share whether they will be a pilgrim or a Native American for the Luncheon. I was very touched by their enthusiasm, and it increased my anticipation for next week. I didn’t think they could be more excited. Little did I know. The children set about making choices, and doing work. The next thing I heard was someone start singing “Over the River.” All of a sudden the entire group broke out in a spontaneous sing-a-long. Over, and over they did a beautiful, joyful job singing this traditional Thanksgiving tune. I was moved by this sign of solidarity, and pure holiday spirit. I hope that we all can continue to bring that spirit to one another, and imbed it within the children.
By: Molly Kelly, Assistant Administrator and After-School teacher in Limerick