Have you seen any signs of Autumn coming yet? The children last week enjoyed a wonderful field trip to the Great Valley Nature Center to discover signs of fall. They had a lovely smelling tea party by searching for items of nature, placed these items in little cups and shared them by smelling cups of natures’ tea. They also searched for animals living in their habitats, touched different surfaces of nature and compared the feeling with a verity of fabrics, listened to all of the sounds that nature can offer and even tasted special sugar that the trees are starting to store for the coming winter months. Why don’t you go on a nature hunt in your own yards and see if you and your child can use all five senses to find evidence that tells us autumn is coming. We would love to hear all about it!
About Ms. Phelen
Ms. Phelen has been a pillar of the VFKH community for over 25 years. She loves to watch the children grow in all aspects of their being, and share with them some of her talents, such as music and art appreciation.