We had a wonderful year and the children have grown in so many ways. All of their hard work and care for each other created a fantastic class community. They truly loved sharing all of their ideas and helping support each other throughout the year. I will miss them dearly throughout the summer months.
I would greatly encourage all of my students to read or be read to everyday during the summer months. The importance of reading daily will make it much easier for the students when they return in the fall. It is very easy to forget simple skills that they have gained without some kind of repetition so I would encourage having fun by going to your local library to pick out books your children will enjoy. Another suggestion is to play letter sound games or “I Spy games with sounds” while driving in the car, walking on the beach or hiking in the woods if any of those locations are a part of your vacations. The children love playing these games and it helps them to explore using their language skills while visiting new places. Have the children who can write even make little lists of things they find, make recipes as they cook or stories about their favorite things they did on their vacations. I would love to see these wonderful works from the children so bring them in and the children can share them as part of our welcoming back to school celebration.
I wanted to personally thank all of our room parents Mrs. McMorrow, Mrs. McCaughern and Mrs. Aaron for helping our class with all of the holiday events. These events wouldn’t have been such a success without your help. If anyone would like to be a room parent next year please let me know and we can arrange a meeting in the Fall. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe summer and I look forward to seeing all of you again when school starts again.