Our Spring started with many fun activities! We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day (yes, a few days before Spring) when our afternoon class made Irish Potatoes. They enjoyed tasting their accomplishment as well as sharing them with our morning class the next day.
We celebrated Passover, and later in the week the children colored the hard-boiled eggs they had brought in to school. Many thanks to Mrs. Dingler for helping the children with this. Then on Friday we had our annual Easter Egg Hunt. The weather was a bit chilly, but thankfully sunny for the children. Many thanks to Peacock for helping with this. The children loved it!
I hope you had a lovely Spring Break and are getting ready for a busy couple months! Please don’t forget our Spring Play and Songfest on April 13th. The children have been working diligently and are very excited to present it to all of you. On April 8th, we will be going to the Planetarium in Boyertown and hope that many of you will be able to come. We will need drivers. Thanks very much for all of your support and encouragement. You are very appreciated!