Despite our rainy weather, the children spent a few days working in the gardens with Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Swede and Mr. Ottolini. They cleaned up around all the walkways and planted pansies. Our gardens look so beautiful and welcoming to all who visit our school. A great big cheer for our garden parents!
During the week the children also prepared several crafts for both Mother’s Day and Grandparents/Special Friends Day.
It was a delightfully grand day for Grandparents and Special Friends Day. Some of the oldest students escorted the guests to our special gathering room. Once everyone arrived, the guests joined the children in their classroom for a few songs. There was such a wonderful turn-out that we felt it best to divide the group into two groups. This way each child felt extra special in sharing their classroom with their guests. The waiting group enjoyed some light refreshments and a special discussion about Dr. Maria Montessori with Ms. Molly. The other group joined the children to see some of the work they have been learning during the school year. After a period of time the groups switch and repeat the same activities. We hope everyone who attended enjoyed their visit and had the opportunity to learn more about these wonderful young students and what a Montessori school is like.