This school year has been a fun-filled, exciting and memorable one for all of us. All the children learned many new things, explored and discovered new ideas and bonded with each other. Not only will they bring with them good memories but also great friendships. It was a privilege for me to see them grow and be responsible, confident, kind and loving members of our little classroom community.
We will definitely miss our MUPs who had their successful graduation last week. They will all be moving next door in Mrs. Nastasi’s elementary classroom, so it will be very easy to visit them next school year. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind an occasional hug from me. The End of the Year picnic was also enjoyed by everybody. It was good to catch up with all the parents and to see them before summer break began.
Thank you to all the parents who generously volunteered their time and effort to help our class this school year. Our class will not be a success without your help. I can’t thank you enough.
Have a great and enjoyable summer and we will see you all next school year!