Dear Parents,
I just wanted to share with you how excited I am to begin spending my days with your wonderful children! The room is ready — pencils are sharpened, artwork is hung, books are ready to be opened and dog-eared, and the materials are shining and ready for frequent use by small hands. When your children begin arriving next week, it will have its heart in place. Slowly, we will all become a family — your child’s home away from home. It was so great to meet most of you over the past few weeks, connecting names to faces (I’ll likely be asking your names again once or twice more, bear with me!) and getting to know just a little about your child/children.
Our first days will be filled with songs, stories, conversation, little lessons of grace and courtesy (i.e. knocking on the bathroom door, blowing noses, saying “excuse me”) and some fun activities as we all get to know each other better. Please be ready for tired, but happy, children returning home each afternoon!
I am always available for any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to check in with an email (we can always follow up in person or by phone as needed) anytime.
See you all very soon!
With best wishes for a smooth start to the school year,
Ms. Fuller