I always enjoy sharing classic novels with the afternoon students each year. The children are truly interested in these books, which often have a longer story line and spark their imagination with an adventure or two. We are currently listening to a chapter book that was inspired by your children’s curiosity about classroom pets. Since we have a class pet fish the children asked if other schools also have pets. I was rather excited to find this special book called “School Days According To Humphrey” by Betty G. Birney. This story is told by the class pet, who just happens to be a hamster named “Humphrey. Each day the afternoon students learn a little about Humphrey’s adventures while he is getting acquainted with the new students in his classroom compared to the students from the previous year. What I wish I could share with you are the wonderful experiences that happen while watching your children sharing their ideas about the story with each other, as well as, how they learn new vocabulary words and try to apply them within the classroom activities.

About Ms. Phelen
Ms. Phelen has been a pillar of the VFKH community for over 25 years. She loves to watch the children grow in all aspects of their being, and share with them some of her talents, such as music and art appreciation.