The children have been sharing and discussing Hanukkah with the help of several books. We learned about the eight special nights of lights and the menorah, as well as the history of the Maccabee people, King Antiochus and how Hanukkah came to be a holiday. In the classroom we are also discovering special food like Latke and applesauce, and the dreidel game with a special spinning top. The children played the dreidel game yesterday and hopefully they can share how to play with you at home as well. The special symbols on the spinning top are “Nun”, “Gimmel”, “Hey”, and “Shin”.

About Ms. Phelen
Ms. Phelen has been a pillar of the VFKH community for over 25 years. She loves to watch the children grow in all aspects of their being, and share with them some of her talents, such as music and art appreciation.